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Want to be a "Micro Partner" of Tutopia?

Tutopia has brought micro-partnership for those who want to do business but are holding back from doing business thinking that they will need to invest a lot of money. Those enterprising people who want to join this overall education revolution and share the dividends of Tutopia can start working as a Tutopia Micro Partner by investing only Rs.7500/- (Plus GST).

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Want to be a "Distributor" of Tutopia?

By dividing West Bengal into small clusters based on pincodes, we distribute Tutopia learning app subscriptions to the students by appointing a distributor in each cluster for a fixed investment. In this case, he will get a certain profit margin on all the subscription prices of the Tutopia app sold in the specific area of that distributor. The amount of investment will depend on the number of schools in the area.

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You can also start Tutopia Smart Coaching

Ever since we started the Tutopia Learning App we have faced many hurdles. Firstly, smart phones are not available to all Bengali medium students, secondly, those who have smartphones in rural areas have very poor internet connection in many cases, thirdly, economic problems. To solve these problems, one Tutopia Smart Coaching is going to be started in each pincode of West Bengal. You can also start Tutopia Smart Coaching in your pin code by becoming a Tutopia Local Partner.

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